Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday Morning General Session Part II

The usual fineries of the conference start to build here. Elliot is in rare form and does a nice job laying out the theme of the conference, "Learning Changes."

Lots of talk about things like the real impact of new gaming technology, new learning technology (like mobile learning, which seems to be a huge opportunity) and the large impact of the aging workforce, especially in North America with the baby boomers.

There are 2100 folks here from places as diverse as the CIA and Veterans Adminstration, power companies, leaders like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Johnson and Johnson and international companies like Dubai Airlines, the BBC, etc.

The first keynote is from Dan Pink, a noted author (best seller) of several books...he has a new one, " A Whole New Mind," which is based on the idea that the future world will be ruled by the right brain thinkers...the creatives and those tune to design and how that will change the world. His presentation was all of 6 minutes...short and sweet.

Next up is Jane McGonical, who is with the Institute of the Future. She spoke on gaming in an alternate reality...she created the World Without Oil game that was played in real time, over 32 days using current technology. The idea is that you can role play scenarios in a game situation and enable users to run their own game.

More on this later but I found this very provocative.

Jane is a 30 year old Ph.D. from Cal-Berkely who's real job is that of a game designer for Microsoft, etc.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd certainly be interested to learn more about the game presented by Jane McGonical, just because it sounds interesting.